Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Saturday I went to the drag races, and even got to help out with one of the cars a little bit. It was a blast. There's nothing quite like being 30 ft. from a car that does 0-300 in 4 seconds. Quite the sensation.
On one hand, it was a blast, and on the other hand, I couldn't stop thinking about how much money went into just that one day of racing, and how many people could use the money more. It's really like that with all professional sports (and most forms of entertainment, really). If you think you don't contribute to this, your advertising dollars certainly do. And think about the millions that go into television and movies. How do we find a balance between enjoying some of these things and using our time and money for more worthy causes?
I feel pretty worthless lately, like I'm not really doing anything worthwhile. I need to do something to change that.

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