Sunday, January 27, 2008


I happened to overhear some Christian radio the other day, and the host said "I hope you all have a spiritually profitable weekend." I about puked. The thought of using the words profitable and spirituality together does not sit well with me. Maybe I'm over-reacting, but I don't think spirituality is a capitalist venture, and I feel very uncomfortable using such words when describing it.

Today I was driving and realized that one of the churches in my hometown named their building addition The R.O.C.K. (Reaching Others for Christ's Kingdom). I don't know about you, but I wouldn't like being referred to as an "other". It has this negative connotation to it, like "we're better than you, you need us", not exactly the kind of thing any of us should be saying.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Since I often use this phrase myself (e.g., "it was a really profitable time/event" meaning "did it have significant eternal/spiritual/relational value"), I looked it up in the dictionary to make sure I'm on track.

1. yielding profit; remunerative
2. beneficial or useful.

"Beneficial" is the way in which I use the word (and I think others are using it in the same way) and I feel like it is an appropriate word.

You can have a fun weekend filled with fun activities and events. I'm all for that.

But you can also have a spiritually profitable weekend filled with deep, heart-to-heart conversation, mentally and psychologically stimulating thoughts, provoking lines of questioning, and inspiring new revelations and spiritual truth.

To me, that would certainly qualify as a spiritually profitable weekend. Which would not mean it wasn't fun!
