Wednesday, January 02, 2008


The Iowa caucuses are tomorrow, and the Michigan primaries are only 12 days away. While I think this whole primary/caucus system we have is a little messed up, I hope you're still going to vote. Michigan moved it's primary forward against the wishes of the Democratic and Republican parties, and so the ballot I get in 12 days won't have a few of the candidates on it. I won't be able to vote for Obama, and I think Edwards might have pulled his name as well. However, I still plan on voting. I like Kucinich (although I don't know as much about him as the 3 front-runners), and even though it might not look like he stands much of a chance, I would love to see him win in Michigan, and see how that throws a wrench in the race.
Get out and matter where you live, because this country (and hence, the world) is in crappy shape, and someone needs to do something about it.

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