Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Mother Teresa

As most of you have probably heard by now, there's a book coming out about how Mother Teresa struggled with her faith and even doubted the existence of God. (There were excerpts from the book in Time magazine, and an editorial about it in the NY Times.)
I don't really think this is bad. I think there is something wrong with never questioning one's faith, and that questioning often leads to doubts. Most of us live pretty sheltered lives, but if we lived at all like Mother Teresa did, in the midst of all that poverty, we'd probably doubt God too. How can there be a good, loving God who lets so many people suffer so much. Fair question.
The thing that I think is amazing about this is that she continued to love people and do what she could to help people and better their lives, even when she wasn't at all sure if God existed. I feel like most people would have a hard time sacrificing that much if they weren't sure that God existed and wanted them to be doing that. Maybe I'm wrong.

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