Monday, January 28, 2008


Barack Obama is trailing in the polls, but I think the polls are quite flawed, and this election will likely show that more than any other. Obama is very popular among the younger crowd, the crowd that is far less likely to have a "home" telephone. (That is how most polls are conducted, isn't it?) Therefore, the older generations get their voice, and we get underrepresented. And really, how many of these polls are actually representative? It seems it would be hard to get a representative sample, especially with how many people wouldn't bother to take the time.

Sunday, January 27, 2008


I happened to overhear some Christian radio the other day, and the host said "I hope you all have a spiritually profitable weekend." I about puked. The thought of using the words profitable and spirituality together does not sit well with me. Maybe I'm over-reacting, but I don't think spirituality is a capitalist venture, and I feel very uncomfortable using such words when describing it.

Today I was driving and realized that one of the churches in my hometown named their building addition The R.O.C.K. (Reaching Others for Christ's Kingdom). I don't know about you, but I wouldn't like being referred to as an "other". It has this negative connotation to it, like "we're better than you, you need us", not exactly the kind of thing any of us should be saying.

Saturday, January 19, 2008


Here's how anal I am about grammar:
One of my roommates was sitting in the apartment, talking to one of his many female friends. I was sitting there checking my e-mail, and happened to overhear most of their conversation. I was thinking that she was pretty cute, and my first impression of her was quite favorable. And then she said "real" when she should have said "really". Sadly, my view of her changed quickly. I feel rather judgmental.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

pay attention

Chris Dodd got at least 3628 votes today in the Michigan primary. He's not in the race anymore. Were people just not paying attention, or were they trying to make a statement of some sort? I don't see a point in voting for someone who is not running for president.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

You don't have to think like I do

-just be open minded. That's all I ask. If you can't think for yourself and actually converse with others' viewpoints, please keep your mouth shut.

I tailgated someone today

-on purpose. It pissed him off. I was glad.
See, he had a bumper sticker that said "Still voting democrat? You're stuck on stupid. (Rush Limbaugh)"
Mr. Limbaugh, you have the right to free speech. I don't support taking that away from you. However, I don't appreciate being called stupid, and you and your listeners should know that I don't take that lightly. Next time I see someone with one of your bumper stickers, I might do more than just tailgate. I might give him/her a piece of my mind-tell him that I don't appreciate being called stupid and he/she should be a little more respectful of other's beliefs.
If you put a provocative bumper sticker like that on your car, you shouldn't be surprised if someone gets in your face.

Thursday, January 10, 2008


-photo by Kevin Moloney

Waiting All of My Life for You

Will you like to watch the sunrise?
Will you have blue or brown eyes?
What are the dreams you long to share
I hope you like Stevie Wonder
Are you afraid of thunder?
I close my eyes and say a prayer you’re out there somewhere

I’ve been waiting all of my life for you
I’ve been wishing on every shining star
I’ve been watching out of my window
Wondering where you are
Wondering where you are

My heart’s my only treasure
Been saving it for your pleasure
Can’t wait to give my heart to you
We’ll walk this road together
That leads us to forever
I close my eyes and say a prayer you’re out there somewhere

I’ve been waiting all of my life for you
I’ve been wishing on every shining star
I’ve been watching out of my window
Wondering where you are
Wondering where you are

Too many nights alone
And this house won’t be a home
Until I’m with you

And I’ve been waiting all of my life for you
I’ve been wishing on every shining star

I’ve been waiting all of my life for you
I’ve been wishing on every shining star
I’ve been watching out of my window
Wondering where you are
Wondering where you are
Wondering where you are
Wondering where you are
I’m wondering where you are
Wondering where you are
I’m wondering where you are
Wondering where you are
-Tyrone Wells

Thursday, January 03, 2008


I've started using a program called "The GIMP". As far as I know, it does everything that Photoshop does, but it's free. This program does so much...I still have a ton to learn. Lots of fun though...

Wednesday, January 02, 2008


The Iowa caucuses are tomorrow, and the Michigan primaries are only 12 days away. While I think this whole primary/caucus system we have is a little messed up, I hope you're still going to vote. Michigan moved it's primary forward against the wishes of the Democratic and Republican parties, and so the ballot I get in 12 days won't have a few of the candidates on it. I won't be able to vote for Obama, and I think Edwards might have pulled his name as well. However, I still plan on voting. I like Kucinich (although I don't know as much about him as the 3 front-runners), and even though it might not look like he stands much of a chance, I would love to see him win in Michigan, and see how that throws a wrench in the race.
Get out and matter where you live, because this country (and hence, the world) is in crappy shape, and someone needs to do something about it.